Zigoto: This is the end

I go back Home.

I will be in Paris on june the 2nd and in Bretagne on june the 7th. Meeting point for the parisers in Cecile and Willy guesthouse and in Bretagne for all the rest of this huge wird planet.

My friend Yves which have been on the trip for a long time now, come back to france. If you want to see great pictures of Nepal it’s time to look at his gallery

(UNC) Assistive Technology in Python

I have been working for impaired people for a while, and today i need to write a little program that use ‘Text to Speech’. This should say to the user what is happening in the house like ‘TV is on’ and so on .. It tooks me 2 minutes to discovers pyTTS, which is a python wrapper for the Microsoft Speech API. Guess what ? That’s why i love Python, simply because i’m a laisy guy, with a lot of different works.

Larsen-b moving …

I ‘ve quite finish the moving across server of ‘Jkx@Home‘.

This hacked version of Alinea works quite well. I have been working a bit hard on that part. In fact the main trouble i have came from my trouble w/ CSS. The other thing that run me in trouble is the ZPT. Despite i really like ZPT, this is really a pain to read, and can include some edge effect. The last point is to merge SQL backup across RDBM.

Now i need to install it on the right server and enjoy :)

I hope this will work without too much pain.

Projects, i’m working on .. or have

I have been working on several projects for a long time now. My first public project was MP3SB in 1999 (a long time now). Here a short list on my main works


resPyre is network mp3/ogg/wav player written in python and using corba as frontend


boxMon is a monitoring tool for unix based operating system that use :

  • python
  • gnuplot
  • MySQL (currently the only one but this will change soon)
  • a webserver (Apache for example)

Data collecting is done through simple python scripts that are used as plugins in boxMon, in a cron job. With this tool you can monitor as many host as you want and store the data in a single database.


Alinea is a little blog system (which is used here). There is no public release yet. But stay tuned :)

boxMon 0.0.2

Yes !!! boxMon reach the version 0.0.2 / after something like one year of sleep :

Here is little note of introduction

boxMon is a monitoring tool for unix based operating system that use :

  • python
  • gnuplot
  • MySQL (currently the only one but this will change soon)
  • a webserver (Apache for example)

Data collecting is done through simple python scripts that are used as plugins in boxMon, in a cron job.

With this tool you can monitor as many host as you want and store the data in a single database.

Webware Wiki: The anti-product

This is more a provocation for Ian, than a real post.

While looking for a good python wiki, i found http://wiki.w4py.org/thiswiki.html (wiki.Webware) really interesting. And once again this is webware so :

  • you don’t have a tgz .. but a direct fight with Subversion
  • this is a really little piece of code ..
  • you don’t have any ‘howto install’ ( nor any doc in fact)
  • it use the LoginKit which is somewhere i don’t know .. (even the wiki.webware search don’t know this:)
  • the install should be hard for a non-webware-developper because:
  • it came w/ a lib/ folder .. what should i do w/ that ???
  • and a Context .. ?? (why not a wiki/ folder ??)
  • I think I missed the new webware developper guides ..

I don’t want to use something else so .. somebody can help me ?

SpamBayes server compliant w/ spamassassin

I’m using spambayes for a long time now. But when i decide to install it for all the curent users of my setup (w/ some virtual domains..), i just discover that spambayes don’t have a system-wide deamon like spamassasin (spamd).

So the first try:

  • install spamassassin :) .. This mail filtering is just a bulshit ! Even w/ the training done on a mail, it achieve to deliver it as ‘unsure spam’ !!
  • put spamassin away .. but keep piece :)

I first decided to write another client / server for spambayes. but looking at all the stuff writen in spamc (spamassassin client) i discover i will need a lot of nights (i’m not a C guru . even if the little try i wrote works perferctly )

Nice try, but why i shouldn’t simply write a server that use spamc as client ? .. could be really easy and efficient too (spamc is really efficient) ..

i just finish to write this and submit to the dev list