Alinéa / First Post

Ok .. Let’s start. I talk w/ Phil and Ludo last w-e, about my new blog system, and it seems that they are happy to join my effort to release a keep-it-simple blog system that use Zope as core.

As i have already done some tests this will be pretty kool. We don’t really know how the work will be done, but i know that it will be fast.

Ludo has decided to name it "Alinéa" ( à la francaise ). And i ‘m OK, so let try to write it now.

I hope to have something working in the CVS since 2 weeks.

The only thing that hurt me is that Zope major issue in developpement stage, is that you can’t use it. Explain : If i write some piece of code for my new blog system, i will be unable to use it since the dev is finish, because i don’t respect this, i will have some post w/ old attributes and so on .. and having to write a script to import / export articles right now i out of the scope of the project right now. So i need to still this MT despite i really feel un-happy about it.

So if you are interested about a fairly easy blog system for Zope ( using ZPT / no CMF / no DCWorkflow / no Database / no Custom products / and only Zope Core in .. ) please inform me. I need some feedback about the needs
( Despite i will not follow every idea ) .

Code support for reST

reST is one of my favorite tools right now. It’s easy to read / write, produce some nice HTML output (as in for example ).

The only issue for me is that i’ve been unable to write some custom tag, but this morning i just discover this: Making docutils do python syntax highlighting</a> on Bob Rant blog. So guess what .. i gonna implement this for my new blog system :)

Many thanks Bob

Linksys WMP54g / Linux GPL Drivers

On post on slashdot i just discover that the ndiswrapper is released under GPL. and seems to support my cards :)

Pretty fine since, it’s time for me to purchase the driver from LinuxAnt.

Ok I will give it a try soon …

( important note : it should support intel centrino too :)

You can off course use the linuxant one

Portal Messages

Once again, Ian wrote a nice article on status notification :

And once again, he’s right. But it’s a bit hard to integrate nicely in IHM cause they need sessions or HTTP_POST to disable caching trouble and fixed URL reload. And session aren’t a piece of cookies in Zope. ( as in webare for exemple )

Ho.. i missed to say that i switched to ion too on my notebook, this is pretty hard to use and got a lot of trouble w/ "screen" and frame resizing.


One broken cellphone ( Alcatel ), a new one: Nec 22i. Despite I don’t really like this kind of stuff, this one looks pretty kool, and have email / and web acces. This gonna drive me in imode-MT access.

Linux on Ipaq

I still have the Ipaq at home. and i have done several things w/. The only trouble is that the ROM is quite full so I can’t install new stuff on .

As you can see here. The ipaq runs Xipaq and a rxvt.

I pretty like the sshd running on iPaq. It really make it damn kool.

cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor       : Intel StrongARM-1110 rev 6 (v4l)
BogoMIPS        : 137.21
Features        : swp half 26bit fastmult

Hardware        : Compaq iPAQ H3600
Revision        : 0000
Serial          : 0000000000000000
sh-2.03# ps aux
root         1  0.0  1.8  1288  556 ?        S    Jan13   0:04 init [2]
root         2  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SW   Jan13   0:00 [keventd]
root         3  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SWN  Jan13   0:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
root         4  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SW   Jan13   0:00 [kswapd]
root         5  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SW   Jan13   0:00 [bdflush]
root         6  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SW   Jan13   0:00 [kupdated]
root         7  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SW   Jan13   0:00 [mtdblockd]
root         9  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        SWN  Jan13   0:00 [jffs2_gcd_mtd1]
root        84  0.0  2.2  1400  692 ?        S    Jan13   0:00 /sbin/cardmgr
root        91  0.0  3.6  2900 1124 ?        S    Jan13   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root        99  0.0  5.3  3088 1644 ?        S    Jan13   0:03 Xipaq -screen 240x320@270 -dpi 100
root       116  0.0  3.3  2296 1044 ?        S    Jan13   0:00 x-window-manager
root       121  0.0  7.5  5192 2336 ?        S    Jan13   0:01 x-menu-manager
root       123  0.0  6.5  6000 2016 ?        S    Jan13   0:01 xstroke
root       125  0.0  1.5  1268  480 ttySA0   S    Jan13   0:00 /sbin/getty -L ttySA0 115200 vt100
root       126  0.0  6.5  6000 2016 ?        S    Jan13   0:00 xstroke
root       127  0.0  6.5  6000 2016 ?        S    Jan13   0:00 xstroke
root       143  0.0  4.8  2968 1496 ?        S    00:30   0:00 rxvt-aa -fn mono-7:minspace=true
root       144  0.0  4.1  2308 1276 pts/0    S    00:30   0:00 sh
root       145  0.0  2.9  1824  896 pts/0    S    00:31   0:00 pppd
root       157  0.0  5.2  3300 1612 ?        S    00:31   0:01 /usr/sbin/sshd
root       159  0.0  4.4  2336 1360 pts/1    S    00:31   0:00 -sh
root       186  0.0  2.8  2652  880 pts/1    R    01:01   0:00 ps aux

Twisted or not

I spent a couple of hours to look at . After a little of hacking, i think i understand how it works, mainly static.File. But i still need to work on this since i want to use it to share some large files and this need a little work to avoid locking the whole system.

Perhaps using static.File as core of my system will do the trick but as i want to do some bandwith limitation i need to write some custom stuffs. ..


I’ just discover ikaaro ( last night. After a couple of ./configure; make install it seems to work pretty fine. I really need to look at this closer since it use a custom TAL like system that seems to be really faster than original TAL.

Some bugs still remain, i was unable to do cut/paste and there is a bug in guess_contenttype too, but not really a big deal i think.

After looking this a night, the system is really light ( don’t use a couple of CMF products or other things like DC workflow), si it have some limitation but it should be enought to do a good bloging system ( i’m still need to give up about this MT ). but it don’t use reST and this is a bad news.

Another thing that i found usefull is that it use EPoz for html editing and this is pretty kool .

LinuxAnt the price


Since you have obtained a trial license for DriverLoader, we are happy to inform you that permanent licenses for end-users are now available from our web store.

You can take a look at the press release for all the details.

Also note that DriverLoader 1.36 is now available from the download section of our web site. We recommend that all users upgrade to the latest version.


Ok now i add to pay for this driver why not . But hum 19$ .. it’s a bit more
than i want to pay for that. I will ask a rebate from Linksys ! And i guess that when i will
pay broadcom will release the source ?

Anyway, LinuxAnt has really made a great job since the driver works on centrino too now.