Building KDE Applet for fun and profit

I have been waiting for this since a long. After writing a lot of applet for gnome desktop, now we can also write some for KDE !

Take a look at this article for additionnal infos. I’m pretty sure that a lot of fun applet will rise soon. I get some idea right now.

I really think that Python is the weapon key for desktop, so open you eyes .. let’s start :)

DiveInto Everything

Bien connu dans le monde Python, il semble que peu de personne connaissent Mark Pilgrim. Je vais donc faire quelques rappels :

  • Mark est l’auteur de DiveIntoPython: un tutoriel approfondi sur Python.
  • Mais aussi, l’auteur de l’incontournable DiveIntoAccessibility : Un document incontournable sur l’accessibilité au web pour les personnes handicappés. J’en profite pour rappeler que la traduction francaise se trouve ici. (Merci a Karl pour cette traduction exemplaire). Personne ne devrait écrire une page web sans avoir lu ce document !!!!

De plus, je rappelle ce document qui est un début d’étude pour une adaptation au niveau gouvernemental.

Python Versus others

This is really a fun reading, cause I think this gonna make a lot of Java users going crazy. So if you ususally write some Java code, please read it. You will understand why i really consider Python as a rich and fully usuage alternative, and why this is the “one”.

And again Ian Bicking ( which is really proselic now), have a nice way to explain why you can have the same performance in Python as in C.
Speed is a Process, not an Attribute. I’m quite sure that it’s the way every projects should go, not because C is a bad language but because it is something hard to tailor, or worst for refactoring.