Test Post from PyMT

Using RPC for bloging is funny no ? In fact it”s really usefull to post thought email.. or console tools so

This is my first post w/ XML-RPC mainly using PyMT check out: http://pymt.sf.net for more infos

import PyMT
mt = PyMT.PyMT("http://larsen-b.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi","user","xxxx")
p = {'title':'Test Post from PyMT','description':'This is my first post w/ XML-RPC mainly using  PyMT','categories':[] }

Using Broadcom Wireless-G card (Linksys WMP54G) on Linux

After searching a while on the net to find a 802.11g card supported by Linux. I have found that only the cards based on Atheros Chipset are support by the http://madwifi.sourceforge.net driver. After a little of investigation I discover that this driver seems to work quite nicely ( I managed to build it and so on ..). So I decided to buy this kind of card.

So I went to my webstore ( not a really good one ..) and decide to purchase a D-Link or a Linksys, Atheros based card. And this is impossible cause most of them aren’t sell in France. So I have bought a Linksys WMP54G ( at the time i do this I haven’t noticed that it isn’t supported by madwifi ..) as Linksys seem to support Linux ( I found a big GPL center on their website ).

After 2 weeks ( my f**king webstore is sloww ), I received it. Fine .. give it a try on this nice old Asus P2B which I use as gateway.. hum .. Bios locked .. grr .So I tried it out on another host w/ windows and works fine. Using windows only for bridging wifi is a bit expensive for me. So I went to #linux on freenode and they all say the same. "Linksys doesn’t release the code".

This morning ( after a long night chatting on irc ) I decide to write a mail to support@linksys.com. And guess why: "We are working on the driver for linux. But it isn’t ready yet .." Hum this sound really strange isn’t it ? cause Broadcom use the same chipset on the AP selled by Linksys and they use Linux IN !! ( you can check out the GPL center on linksys website you will found the firmwares )

So I decided to post a mail to friends at finix.eu.org which i have talk about Wifi before. And tonight i receive a email from David ( many thanks guy !! ) saying " use linuxant driver". So i take a look at http://www.linuxant.com/drivers_bcmwl/ . I found that the WMP54G is supported. After a registration form and a "Free trial" key. I dpkg -i the driver loader. point my webbrowser to http://localhost:18020/ upload the right .sys and it works !!!


PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:0b.0
PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:11.0
eth1: New link status: Disconnected (0002)
eth1: MAC address 00:0C:41:13:90:8C
eth1: Broadcom Wireless LAN Adapter at 00:0b.0, mem:0xCFFF8000 to 0xCFFFA000 irq:11 ready

I just added a little iwconfig / ifconfig / iptables script and now I can post on my blog from my notebook ( which have a cisco aironet ) thought my new wifi gateway :)

/sbin/iwconfig eth1 mode ad-hoc
/sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid ametsa

/sbin/ifconfig eth1
/sbin/route add eth1

/sbin/iptables -F;
/sbin/iptables -t nat -F;
/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Many thanks to Linuxant and David for pointing it .

Please look on other posts.. There is other posts about this card

Oula Erwan est tombé sur la tête

00:42 <@roanDODO> non en fait je fait pas dodo
00:43 <@roanDODO> je chat avec des filles  :-p
00:45 <@roanDODO> enfin une surtout
00:53 <SoaF> ha ..
00:53 <SoaF> c ou dis ?
01:06 <@roanDODO> C privé
01:06 <@roanDODO> sur msn
01:06 <@roanDODO> enfin avec gaim
01:06 <SoaF> sur msn !!
01:07 <@roanDODO> messenger
01:08 <@roanDODO> enfin le truc de windows
02:42 <SoaF> t encore la ?
02:42 <SoaF> j'y crois pas
05:43 <@roanDODO> bon aller au boulot maintenan
05:43 <*> roanDODO is now known as roanBOULOT

Oui vous avez bien lu !! Il a fait du msn toute la nuit . Et ensuite il est parti conduire son gros camion. A ce que l’on ferait pas pour un petit chat avec toi .

Un défi que tous les développeurs devraient connaitre

Alors que je recherchais des infos (principalement sur TIM), je suis tombé sur http://handicap.org. Jusque là rien d’annormal, sauf que .. ce site utilise des frames, du javascript pour les menus (qui d’ailleurs plante plus ou moins sur mon linux ), et du flash. Comme de par hasard tout l’inverse des préconisations de brailleNet, après quelques cours tests, il s’avère que ce site fonctionne avec links (donc une sythèse vocale doit fonctionner).

Cela m’a ramené une semaine en arrière, lors d’un beau discours de cloture: " Le handicap est un challenge pour la personne, mais il l’est aussi pour nous chercheurs. C’est à nous de relever le défi !". Et bien effectivement cela est un défi, mais un défi de tous les instant, le genre de chose que l’on ne pourra jamais atteindre. Un défi que seule la vigilance et le bon sens peuvent arriver "à faire passer". Une fois encore je m’en rends compte.


I forget to talk about this. Do you know that you can add keyboard shortcut in HTML ? This is so stupid that i don’t know how i miss that :

<a href="http://larsen-b.com/" accesskey="T">Table of contents (Alt-T)</a>;

This works on mozilla .. but not on konquerror !!!!!! I gonna check #kde to fix that

Une porte sur le Web pour les personnes handicapées visuelles

Une question qui m’a longtemps dérangée, mais comment font les aveugles pour surfer sur le net, alors que moi personnellement j’ai déjà parfois du mal. Bien évidement ils utilisent des systèmes de synthèse vocale, mais il suffit d’avoir au moins une fois entendu ce genre de chose pour savoir que cela n’est pas des plus pratique. Alors que j’estime la rapport infos / bruit de la majorité des pages web à 20%, ce retrouver dans ce dédale n’est pas chose facile. Lors de la conférence ICOST 2003, j’ai assisté à certaines confs intéressantes comme par ex, la démonstration d’un système utilisant les balises html pour changer l’intonation de la voix .. par bold sera traduit par une voix plus grave .. etc .. Bien entendu pour cela il faut que le texte soit bien formatté avec de h1/h2 .. et non pas des font-face=+1 …

Le plus simple semble encore de suivre les recommandations de http://www.braillenet.org/ en lisant attentivement http://www.w3.org/WAI/WAIDA/. A la première lecture les nombreuses guidelines risquent de rebuter de nombreux développeurs, surtout que l’on ne peut pas à priori utiliser un script de validation automatique comme l’infame HTML Validator.

Il faudra donc que je regarde cela de plus près .. et j’espère un jour afficher le logo ‘braillenet’ ici bas.

Shortest masquerade config

Voici la commande la plus courte et simple afin de faire du masquerading sous Linux

# this will masquerade all packet to ppp0
iptables -F; iptables -t nat -F; iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0-j MASQUERADE
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Monkeys go to heaven

Ils reviennent !!!!!

Indie legends the Pixies set to reform


They were arguably the most exciting American rock band of the 1980s. Kurt Cobain freely admitted that Nirvana stole their style of hushed verses and loud, primal choruses. Now it appears as though indie guitar legends the Pixies are set to reform for a live tour and a possible album in 2004.

Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, the Pixies were formed in 1986 by frontman Black Francis and guitarist Joey Santiago. Bassist Kim Deal and drummer Dave Lovering completed the line-up and their debut album, Come on Pilgrim, was released the following year.

Critical plaudits came with the arrival of the savage 1988 album Surfer Rosa, while its more polished follow-up, 1989′s Doolittle, broke out of the indie ghetto to reach No 3 in the UK album charts. The band released a further two albums – Bossanova (1990) and Trompe le Monde (1991) – before an acrimonious split in 1992.

Ironically, the Pixies broke up at the same time that the brand of indie rock which they had largely spawned broke through into the popular mainstream. The 1991 release of Nirvana’s Nevermind, in particular, introduced Pixies-style grunge to the masses, while Kurt Cobain’s uniform of scuffed jeans and flannel shirts was identical to Black Francis’s on-stage image.

Since the band’s demise, Black Francis has embarked on a fitfully successful solo career in the guise of Frank Black while Kim Deal has cropped up infrequently as bassist and singer in the Breeders. But the band members recently revealed that they have continued to practise together and the personality clashes of the early 90s appear to have been patched up.

Earlier this week, MTV quoted an unnamed spokesman for the band who confirmed that the Pixies are to reform for a series of live dates in April 2004. The source added that a subsequent album was also a distinct possibility. As yet, there is no word as to whether the band will perform in the UK.