Today, it’s the time to switch to the next Ubuntu version. One interesting stuff in the latest distro, is the KDE4, but by default you still get a 3.5.9 revision.. Here a little tips to switch easily: First uninstall the … Continue reading →
tag: kde, ubuntu, x11
Everybody knows that I’ used to play WoW ..ok, not really, but this is a simple tips for people who have crashed their Windows XP install or changed their harddrive (like me). Don’t waste your time to do a fresh … Continue reading →
tag: game, windows
I’m currently a bit off of my desk right now, cause I need to study for a english test. But, while wasting some time, I came thought some mailing list posts.. and found a really interesting collections of light bulbs.. … Continue reading →
tag: neon
I’m a proud owner of a nice Nabaztag/tag since a while (gift from my mother for my birthday). Like most other tags around, mine works sometimes, but yeah I have some issues to use at the full power. The weather … Continue reading →
tag: gadget
Ok, une petite news en Fr ;) .. Pour les gens qui lisent les feeds RSS de Freenews, et qui subissent les 15 bandeaux de pub par page… Bah il suffit de changer de site :) Donc voila un bon … Continue reading →
I take a long time to write a article on the howto install a debian on a Dell Latitude D400 laptop. I submitted to a couple of weeks ago.. And no answer, not added yet .. i chat w/ … Continue reading →
tag: computer, laptop