Since month I used Mozilla-firebird instead of Konqueror because, Konqueror have some trouble with some website ( like the mldonkey web-interface ) .. Tonight after a little fight with XFree from the experimental, i decided to go deeply in my … Continue reading → has a post on Prototype of a way to make weblog polling way more efficient. This is an excellent article about a new way to discover which blog post a new article. I tested the telnet 9123 and … Continue reading →
Andrew has release a litle method to hide a email in a HTML page look at Exit66 for more infos. Anyways, we should take care on how long will this works, since spammers are script kiddies too.
The main problem w/ my webcam script, is that it always take a shot even when nothing is on the desk, by night for example or when i’m at work. Beside i can use something like monitor, it isn’t the … Continue reading →
Ok .. Let’s start. I talk w/ Phil and Ludo last w-e, about my new blog system, and it seems that they are happy to join my effort to release a keep-it-simple blog system that use Zope as core. As … Continue reading →
Once again, Ian wrote a nice article on status notification : And once again, he’s right. But it’s a bit hard to integrate nicely in IHM cause they need sessions or HTTP_POST to disable caching trouble and fixed URL reload. … Continue reading →
I’m still fighting for the support of accesskey in Konqueror (See previous post) . This morning i received a good bug report for this. And a really good ( link about the UK Government’s accessibility guidelines. Mark it’s time to … Continue reading →
Bien connu dans le monde Python, il semble que peu de personne connaissent Mark Pilgrim. Je vais donc faire quelques rappels : Mark est l’auteur de DiveIntoPython: un tutoriel approfondi sur Python. Mais aussi, l’auteur de l’incontournable DiveIntoAccessibility : Un … Continue reading →
I’m tired of finding so much 404 in my apache logs so i decide to add a icon to my blog. use gimp to build a 16×16 ppm file ppmtowinicon -output favicon.ico <inputfile.pnm>
Alors que je recherchais des infos (principalement sur TIM), je suis tombé sur Jusque là rien d’annormal, sauf que .. ce site utilise des frames, du javascript pour les menus (qui d’ailleurs plante plus ou moins sur mon linux … Continue reading →