After the omnidirectionnal antennas, and the can-antenna, here comes the new one:

This is a biQuad, and a double-biQuad antenna. You can find the construction guide (in Fr) here.
As usuall the photos is in the Brest-Wireless gallery
The small one is about 11/12db .. and the biggest one: ~ 14db !!
Update: Fix links
fine but good
Want to see much in detail
Good Antenna’s. I wonder if a sat dish with a triple biquad antenna would give even better gain. The double biQuad is about 12db to 14db and the Single is 10 to 12db.
Has anyone tried any of these different forms of Biquad Antenna for 802.11b or g?
The sat dish, is a great wifi antenna too, I will build one soon. Some say the best feed for a dish is a biquad, other say it’s a can-antenna. I guess i will try w/ both ;)
Stay tuned..
Take a look at my current setup.
I’m working on one now. Using a HDTV dish with a triple LNB mount. Thinking of going with a bi-quad antenna in a oval fish can. Having trouble finding a good place to mount the dish. Under an eaves trough might not work. Chimney mount is better but harder to mount in the snow. Got plenty of hot spots 802.11b about 12km away but find the high trees might kill my signal. Average tree tops are 60 70 feet high my dish on the chimney is 15 20 feet up. Looked at web page for signal loss it usually is about 100 feet from the top of the tree down to the ground. Thinking of mounting on the ground first then look for best signal.
has any one had any problems with their wireless cards? i have a netgear wg311t and my comp won’t even leave the bios screen with the card in place. so far there is little reports of this occurance.
i actually made a double biquad that gets 20 dBi!! and 30 less on noise. made it last night using AWM 1354 (RG 8), 1/4 inch tubing with a 1.5mm step, ~50cm of 12 gauge solid copper wire, and 20 gauge (?) galvanized sheet scored and sheered to dimensions. i soldered the tube on the BACK side of the sheet metal using a 180 watt soldering iron to avoid zinc poisoning i would get with a torch. all bends were done on a cast iron table saw using a hammer and C clamp. no kinks in the element or curves in the back plate, all perfect bends and spacing +/- .5mm . funny thing is all i did was follow martybug’s plans and switch to cable and tube that i had laying around. hope someone else out there can repeat what im doing, oh and i’m using a Linksys WUSB54G rev. 4 adapter and software. i hope someone can build another that performs as well, my peak gain was 23dBi!!!
the newest numbers after making a tripod mount from sheet metal and a 1/4-20 nut soldered onto the antenna. 23dB gain peak, 20dB gain average, and 18dB gain as the low. im not quite sure if those numbers are right since im using the linksys software to measure it but between the new and stock antennas the difference should be accurate even if the actual number isn’t. also my pigtail goes from the solder connection on the linksys board to the antenna itself using about a 10 inch length of cable. to make sure i dont rip the traces off the board i put the case back on with a hole drill into the edge of the clam-shell, im not too worried about pull as much as i am side to side bending. as far as the numbers go i picked the high mid and low values of the stock antenna and the similar 3 for the double biquad.
The max gain for a biquad is around 13db, so the different you encounter is due to the way you have done your test. (double biquad is 14/15db max)
Yeah so my signal strength monitor might be giving me lousy numbers, I do and don’t beleive the software I’m using. The only reason I half way beleive the numbers I’m getting is because I did a different construction of the double biquad with really sharp bends in the element and a small center pipe. Until another perfectionist builds one like I did I won’t be sure if I’m just BSing myself. As far as the test goes, I used a tripod mount and aimed for the highest dB I could get at the same distance as the stock antenna. Though in all honesty I’m not sure if that’s how its done so again, I’m probably wrong.
Oh and I’m having to make a new case for my adapter that will fit a BNC connector since the solder pad eventually ripped off the board. So I haven’t used it in about a month. Serves me right for doing a direct coax. I know BNCs are lossy but they at least go up to 4GHz. I’ll be switching to an RG-58 "thin-net" patch cable afterwards instead of the RG-8 "thick-net". Loss all around but I’m not using this rig for much of anything.
was wondering if someone could post the detailed info on the dual quad antenna in english.. looks interesting but i can read french sorry
also post detailed english info on the single quad.. thanks..
was wondering if someone could post the detailed info on the dual quad antenna in english.. looks interesting but i can read french sorry
also post detailed english info on the single quad.. thanks..
Can someone built me a Quad with USB connection,meaning card is already attached to the antenna,I am will be willing to pay by paypal.
can someone send me a mail to tell me how to mesure dBi of my antenna please
Very slick antennas…and have a look at more recent implementations:
h t t p : / / w w w .
where i’m i going to solder the braided wire and the inner wire of the coaxial cable.. i’m having a bit of problem.. one should not be grounded to the other, are they not.. please keep me informed regarding this..
Take a look at my Web site.
250 Links for the Antenna Constuction:
Good Luck.
I true to make this antenna at home and I succeeded in that, but I was not satisfied with her because her range was 200m very very low for me……..
how to interface a quad biquad wifi antenna with laptop and i required antenna designing software for my project.
pls help me.
Thank you
I am try for 3g
Everybody wants to show off the great antenna they made but NOBODY tells how to hook it up to a computer or what software to run it off of!!! Could somebody help me out here please?