Webware HTTP Adapter

Ho, i miss it ..
Yesterday, it tested the HttpAdapter for Webware. This is a nice, easy to use (no need to use the cgi or tweak the httpd.conf) Adapter for Webware.

To test: Just copy the WebKit/Adapters/HTTPAdapter.py in your current Webware instance, edit this file to feet w/ your need ( mainly the 2 first vars ), and run it directly.
Now point your mozilla to http://localhost:8080/ and enjoy :)

I haven’t play w/ Webware since a while.. and i don’t know the real difference between this and ‘Standalone Webkit’ .. but this is pretty kool ..

Now i need to look at the URLHandler as Ian tell me..

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3 thoughts on “Webware HTTP Adapter

  1. HTTPAdapter is essentially a little web server (just built on BasicHTTPServer) that only knows how to talk mod_webkit — i.e., forwards all requests to the AppServer.  There’s an embedded HTTP server as well (which is in CVS, but is a bit better exposed in Standalone WebKit).  One issue with the embedded HTTP server is that you get connection refused during a restart, where with the adapter it’ll keep retrying the connection during a restart until the server comes back up (so there won’t be any interuption of service).  Neither is production quality, but they can be useful for testing, or for doing a quick evaluation.

  2. I think you can fix this issue by using a apache in front on the HTTP server w/ a simple RewriteRules ? This is how Zope is usually used. ( Apache + Zope or even better Zope + Squid ). So Apache will wait for the HTTP Server to answer within the timeout value. So you can get the same behaviour as using mod_webkit + AppServer.

    I haven’t tested yet but it should work.

    Another problem for me right now is that when i use HTTPAdapter with a lot of thread, i went in to a AppServer segfault in MySQLdb. (I use SQLObject) This is a bug in MySQLdb I think since i get the same trouble while using Modeling.

  3. Certainly Apache + mod_rewrite + mod_webkit is the best way to use Webware, at least in production.  The direct HTTP serving is really to ease installation for evaluation purposes, and not much more.

    The problem with MySQL and Python has been noted by several people, across different environments.  I think it’s a problem in MySQL version 4, people aren’t seeing it with earlier versions.

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